
10 Luscious Foods to Help You Perform Excellently in Bed

Looking for a way to up your bedroom game? Here are 10 luscious foods to eat that will help you become an excellent performer in the bedroom.

10 Luscious Foods to Help You Perform Excellently in bed

Looking for a way to up your bedroom game? Here are 10 luscious foods to eat that will help you become an excellent performer in the bedroom.
Looking for a way to improve your bedroom performance? Go nowhere else as all the answers are found here. Here are 10 luscious foods to improve your performance in bed according to SheKnows.
1. Foods rich in vitamin B12
Any food rich in vitamin B12 will help the body with energy production, and with so many options to choose from, it’s easy to get more B12 into your diet. These options include eggs, shellfish, beef, caviar and fortified tofu. Once you’ve had your B12 feast, you can expect increased blood circulation and strength. It also helps to elevate mood.
2. Raw oysters
The myth about oysters being good for you in bed is actually true. Oysters are high in zinc, which stimulates testosterone, a hormone useful for building and maintaining desire in both men and women. They also deliver amino acids that have been linked to $exual desire, and omega-3s, which help keep you in the mood. They also have lots of B12. Win-win. “Oysters create more $exual stamina because you are so turned on. Maybe it is all the zinc and B12, but once people make oysters a part of their eating routine, they crave them. And then they crave something else,” says Dr. Drew Ramsey, assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at Columbia University and author of Eat Complete: The 21 Nutrients That Fuel Brainpower, Boost Weight Loss, and Transform Your Health.
(It’s always best to remember that eating raw shellfish can lead to food poisoning, so get your raw oysters from reputable sources only. Nothing says un$exy diet like tummy trouble.)
3. Asparagus
While there is the nasty rumor that asparagus can make your pee smell, don’t cross this pungent veggie off your list of romantic foods altogether. As Tristan Weedmark, Global Passion Ambassador at We-Vibe, explains it, asparagus is chock-full of vitamin E, which can help to aid in the production of testosterone.
And for the couples who are hoping to get a little bit more out of their night of passion, Weedmark says, “In addition to increasing stamina, asparagus can boost $ex drive as well as sperm count.”
4. Avocados
Lovers of guac, rejoice! Avocados are so insanely nutritious that they are considered by many to be a superfood, and Weedmark categorizes the tasty fruit as a $exual superfood too. For starters, he says, avocados are an extra-rich source of monounsaturated fats and vitamin B6.
“These help keep energy levels up, which is crucial for endurance in the bedroom. They also contain mood-boosting omega-3 fatty acids, and of course, feeling happy can’t hurt when it comes to $exual interest and performance,” Weedmark explains.
5. Gr*pes
Of red gr*pes, Rebecca Lewis, in-house RD at HelloFresh, says, “They are a good source of boron, which is a mineral that helps stimulate the production of both estrogen and testosterone.” Both these hormones have been shown to aid men and women in bedroom performance: estrogen for libido in women, and testosterone for physical stamina of any kind in both men and women.
6. Watermelon
Watermelon is packed with citrulline, a natural chemical that helps the body increase oxygen flow in the blood. If possible, try to find a way to mix watermelon with garlic and/or ginger, both of which are found to cause blood to flow into the private parts in both women and men.
(Photo credit:SheKnows)
7. Lemon
When you’re making that romantic Valentine’s Day, anniversary or TGIF meal for your boo, don’t forget to put on the finishing touch — fresh lemon zest is not only flavorful, but it may be an “underutilized enhancer of pleasure,”according to Dr. Ramsey.
For men especially, Dr. Ramsey says that a zest of lemon will have an immediate below-the-belt impact. He explains, “Compounds in the pith act much like Viagra, and others in the zest promote a dreamy, pleasurable state by stimulating the brain’s opiate receptors.”
8. Pomegranate
Pomegranate is an ancient symbol of romance seen throughout literature, and it’s making its modern-day comeback in the new millennium. We already know that pomegranates are kind of hard to eat, which means you may have to spend a few extra minutes licking the pulp off your date’s fingers. But that ripe and juicy fruit that strangely resembles the female anatomy also has nutritional benefits — as a prime source of antioxidants and a booster of $exual appetite.
“The antioxidants present in this delicious fruit are a triple threat!” Lewis says. “They help increase testosterone production, improve blood circulation and improve mood.”
9. Nuts
The puns may abound when serving nuts before $ex, but L-arginine-rich nuts, like pistachios, peanuts and walnuts, can have a powerful effect when eaten pre-nookie. Lewis says, “It’s all about the L-arginine! L-arginine is an amino acid, which stimulates the production of nitric oxide, which helps dilate blood vessels, which in turn increases blood flow to the pen*s, strengthening erections.”
Lewis adds, “Bonus: Watermelon contains an antioxidant that transforms into L-arginine once ingested.”
10. Chocolate
Is there anything chocolate can’t do? In particular, dark chocolate, while already being $exy on its own, helps release chemicals in the brain that lead to euphoria. This can help lead to a prolonged $exual experience. It’s also packed with antioxidants, which generally make the body perform better.
Dr. Ramsey says, “Coffee and dark chocolate are Mother Nature’s stimulants. Doubters should try a double espresso and 3 ounces of dark chocolate before their next morning romp.”

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